About Global Gates
We exist to reach the ends of the earth through global gateway cities.

Get Involved
You too can reach the ends of the earth
…in your neighborhood.

Every day around the world, 157,690 people die without the hope of Christ. This fact is both sobering and a call to respond. At Global Gates, we are dedicated to reaching unreached peoples with the gospel.
Short-Term Missions
Typically lasting seven days or less, short-term mission trips include training, gospel sharing, community ministry, and worship and are great for small groups wanting to serve.

Long Term Missions
Global Gates recruits and trains missionaries for unreached urban communities. Career Missionaries fundraise for their ministry, while Associate Missionaries provide vital volunteer support. We offer comprehensive support, including administration, vision, networking, training, and coaching for all missionaries.

Global Gates’ ministry exists to see an ever-expanding network of churches being planted among unreached people groups. Interns will serve from two months to one year on a Global Gates team in a gateway city, meeting weekly with team members and creating bridges for the gospel.

Joining Global Gates
Could God be calling you to join Global Gates? As with most big decisions in following the Lord, you should devote yourself to prayer, Scripture reading, and seek wise counsel from your church and other Christians. The next step would be to get to know who Global Gates is as an organization and how our mission affects everything we do.

“I have known the leadership of Global Gates for many years and greatly appreciate their kingdom labors. Whenever someone asks me who is doing the best job in North America among unreached people groups my immediate response is Global Gates.”