Join Global Gates in focused prayer!
Dear Ministry Partner,
A young Afghan Muslim refugee named *Abdul Ali in Houston asked *Alex, a Global Gates Sifting Week volunteer, if he could film him praying for God to protect and reunite his family and send the video to his loved ones still in Afghanistan. Alex prayed in Jesus’ name as he begged God to meet Abdul Ali’s needs. Prayer touches people, even the hearts of unbelievers like Abdul Ali. Global Gates knows the power of prayer. This is why we have not only dedicated the month of April as a focused time of praying for the nations, but also helped create Kingdom resources that educate, equip, empower, and mobilize the Church to join the worldwide concert of prayer for unreached peoples in North America and their ends of the earth communities.
Although the month of April has passed, I want to remind you that our call to prayer is timeless. The Apostle Paul wrote that we are to pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17). I want to encourage you to remain steadfast in praying for the nations. Let these tools your Global Gates missionaries helped produce guide you in lifting the world’s least-reached peoples up before the throne of our great God. You can pray through the “30 DAYS Muslim World Prayer Guide,” “Praying for the Haredim” (for Jewish peoples), and “5 Days of Prayer for Sikhs.” There are other resources available to guide you in praying for Buddhists and Hindus as well.
To be clear, every gospel endeavor must be rooted and grounded in prayer, because the missionary task will not be fulfilled without it. We’re powerless without God’s help. So, let me personally invite you to join me and the rest of Global Gates in prayer. Let’s ask God to tear down strongholds, so the good news of Jesus Christ can reach our Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jewish neighbors in North America and their communities around the world.
These Kingdom projects to facilitate prayer throughout the Church would not be possible without the prayers and generous financial support of our ministry partners. Thank you, dear friend, for helping to catalyze prayer not only by lifting us up, but also through your sacrificial giving. You’re providing fuel for the mission. God bless you.
Grateful for you,

David Garrison,
Executive Director, Global Gates
*Names changes for security reasons.