Global Gates Under Donald J. Trump?
The results are in. We have a new President-Elect. What does this mean for Global Gates? How will this impact Global Gates in the days ahead?
Whether America builds a wall or enacts new immigration restraints, the reality of hundreds of thousands of unreached people groups that God has brought to global gateway cities remains one of the great challenges of the 21st century.
In the wake of Thanksgiving, Global Gates has so much for which to be thankful. God is richly blessing our gospel outreach around the world. We are far from satisfied, but continued to look in faith to what will be in the years ahead. We are thankful to our Global Gates Ministry Partners without whom this work would not be possible.
As we look back on the recent national elections, many of us held strong views drawn from deep moral convictions. Understandably not everyone in the Global Gates family shared the same positions or made the same decisions. But as we move forward, we want to underscore our shared vision: reaching the ends of the earth through global gateway cities.
Our vision is grounded in Christ’s Great Commission and so remains true regardless of who presides in Washington. Our vision is not under Democrats or under Republicans, but under God. Our vision of engaging every one of the world’s least, last, lost peoples honors God and participates in His grand design for all of creation. How we get there will not always be in the same ways. But as a wise man once said, “We don’t have to see eye to eye to walk side by side.”
Global Gates missionaries are walking side by side on a pathway that leads to heaven. Our vision is to bring as many men, women, and children with us as possible. Your support of Global Gates is making this vision a reality, and a joy.
David Garrison
Director, Global Gates