Coronavirus Pandemic: The Question of Why?

With the growing coronavirus pandemic impacting lives all around us, it is not surprising that many are asking “Why?” Who is at fault? Where is the blame to rest? 
The answers to these questions are not obvious to all and can lead to debate and conflict. A more important question for us is, What should we do now? 
I want to urge two courses of action for Christ followers everywhere: First, follow best practices that are being counseled by the medical community. You know what they are, don’t disregard them or fall into the naive dismissal of the coronavirus as some sort of exaggeration or hoax. Second, respond as Jesus did in John 9 when he was asked about the reasons (or blame) for the condition of a man born blind.
“Rabbi, who sinned,” his disciples asked, “this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 
“Neither,” Jesus said, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” 
With these words, Jesus healed the man. 
We may lack the ability to fully heal those who are impacted by the coronavirus either directly or indirectly (those who are sick, dying, bereaved, unemployed, stranded, shut-in, lonely, etc.), but we can approach this crisis as an opportunity to see through the eyes of Jesus. As we see with Jesus’ eyes, let’s ask His question, “How can the works of God be displayed in this situation?” and then pursue our role as salt and light in a hurting community.
It is still light, dear friends, let us do the works of Him who sent us.
– David Garrison, Global Gates Executive Director