Intern for Us for a Summer in Houston

Intern for Us for a Summer in Houston

The Houston Summer Internship is an accessible approach to exposing and empowering those interested in pursuing outreach and possible field work. Interns form a team reaching out to various unreached people groups in Houston. Experienced missionaries provide structured training and coaching throughout the summer. The Houston Summer internship catalyzes interns to develop the core competencies…

Check out the Afghans in North America Page

Check out the Afghans in North America Page is a new Kingdom resource that serves the people of God in helping to educate, equip, empower, and mobilize them to not only pray for the world’s least-reached populations in our midst but to also create awareness of high Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jewish concentrations in need of gospel engagement. Given the recent…

Give to the Ethnic Church Partners Fund

Give to the Ethnic Church Partners Fund

The most strategic evangelists among unreached people groups are believers who come from those very groups that we are trying to reach (former Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists). Some from these groups are approaching Global Gates to serve as missionaries. However, it has proven difficult for these effective evangelists to raise funds. Unlike western missionaries,…

How Can I Know Jesus?

How Can I Know Jesus?

Dear Friend, Several of your Global Gates missionaries and Pathways Texas interns recently returned from a multi-week mission trip to South Asia and the Middle East, where they saw God do more than they asked or imagined.  *Sarah, a young missionary, had a recurring vision of a woman crying by a body of water throughout…

God-sized vs Man-sized

God-sized vs Man-sized

Do you have a God-sized vision for God’s mission? Are you completely depending on God? Have you surrendered everything to God? Do you have a Kingdom mindset? Or, are you leaning on your own understanding and trusting in your own strength?  Commit your ways to the Lord, seek God’s face, abide in God, be in…