The Basics of Adopting an Unreached People Group and Carrying the Gospel to Them | pt. 2

The Basics of Adopting an Unreached People Group and Carrying the Gospel to Them | pt. 2

“Getting started“ Focus group: church members and pastors This is the second in a series of articles which are being written to show you how to effectively engage an unreached people. By Clint B. Prayer is foundational in missions A mission effort without prayer is activity without power, a very frustrating situation to be in….

The Basics of Adopting an Unreached People Group and Carrying the Gospel to Them | pt. 1

The Basics of Adopting an Unreached People Group and Carrying the Gospel to Them | pt. 1

By Clint B. Focus group: church members and pastors. Last night, my wife and I attended a banquet hosted by Tribal Frontier Missions, highlighting their work in Peru’s jungles. As we sat at a table with three other couples, making small talk, a staff member from a large local church asked me, “With your experience…

The Power of God on Display among the Nations in the D.C. Metro Area
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The Power of God on Display among the Nations in the D.C. Metro Area

The D.C. Metro Area is home to unreached diaspora populations that include Saudi Arabs, Afghans, Yeshivish Jews, Uyghurs, Gujarati Hindus, Turks, Moroccan Arabs, Bangladeshis, Indo-Pak Muslims, Punjabi Sikhs, Indian Hindi-speaking Hindus, Iraqi Arabs, Tamil, Palestinian Arabs, Lebanese Arabs, Thai Buddhists, Persians, and Egyptian Arabs according to As Jesus said, “The harvest is great, but the laborers are few,” which is why believers must pray earnestly for more laborers to enter into his harvest (Matthew 9:37-38 and Luke 10:2).

Persian Muslims of North America

Persian Muslims of North America

Some have claimed that Persians have the fastest growing church in the world right now. This growth may not necessarily be reflected among Persian Muslims in North America, though. And that growing church could certainly use our prayer as well! Persians represent the second largest population of unreached peoples on our UPG Priority Matrix. There…

Using Technology to Reach the Unreached

Using Technology to Reach the Unreached

Before the coronavirus pandemic hit, it was normal for Global Gates missionaries in Queens, New York to meet Bengali Muslims in homes, at parks, on the streets, and in restaurants and stores. Now, they are using other avenues to interface with Bengalis not only in New York City but also in Bangladesh and other parts…

Your Next Overseas Mission Trip: DFW

Your Next Overseas Mission Trip: DFW

The sprawling metropolis of Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)  is more than just a bunch of large trucks, cowboy hats and cheap real estate for Californians. It is also a global gateway city–home to nine significantly unreached people groups. These nine groups from our list comprise nearly 175,000 people. So if you’re looking for a chance…

Your Next Overseas Mission Trip: Vancouver

Your Next Overseas Mission Trip: Vancouver

We’re all aching for some travel right now. Even just a road trip to another state sounds like a big adventure. Seeing as international travel, especially short-term mission trips may not pick up any time soon, here’s an idea: Canada. That’s right. That giant piece of land just north of the United States can offer…