Director of Research
The Global Gates Director of Research is responsible for identifying, prioritizing, and communicating where evangelists and missionaries are most needed among unreached people groups (UPGs) in North American gateway cities and around the world. The Director of Research ensures that all activities align with the organization’s mission and vision and requires a proven track record in research, mobilization, and resource development in relevant fields.
Key Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with missiological and sociological researchers around the world to identify, prioritize, and communicate the most significant UPG needs in global gateway cities.
- Work with Global Gates Affinity leaders and leadership team to communicate and know what groups or geographic locations to prioritize for mobilization.
- Attend a monthly online meeting with the Global Gates Missional Engagement team.
- Compile priority lists of UPGs in North American global gateway cities and around the world.
- Maintain and make improvements.
- Create and maintain functional, compelling visualizations for mobilizing prayer and laborers among priority people groups through
- Lead training in global gateway cities to help Christians research their communities and engage unreached people groups.
- Maintain and update the Priority UPG Matrix, identifying where workers are most needed among UPGs in global gateway cities.
- Write blogs and obtain material for blogs from missionaries that will highlight UPG communities.
- Raise financial supporters to support his or her work through Global Gates.
- Enlarge the Research Team with volunteers.
- Through research, assist individual Global Gates missionaries to see new opportunities and get connected with missionary best practices.
- Must be able to make compelling presentations in person and via the internet to small and large groups regarding the team’s research.
Resource Development:
- Identify and cultivate relationships with potential funders, donors, and partners.
- Prepare compelling proposals and presentations to secure funding for the position’s initiatives.
- Manage the Director of Research’s budget, ensuring the efficient allocation of resources.
Place of Residence:
The Director of Research may live anywhere, but access to quality Internet is a necessity. Most Global Gates leadership meetings take place through Zoom online video conferences.
- Submit short monthly reports to your supervisor.
- Meet or video conference with your supervisor once a month to evaluate and strengthen the work.
- Provide mid-year and annual reports for Global Gates Board meetings.
Team Member Characteristics:
- Demonstrates a mature walk with God as verified by lifestyle and references.
- Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the Bible with its overarching narrative and can articulate the major tenets of the Christian faith to others.
- Evidence of God’s calling, gifting and leading to reach unreached people groups with the gospel.
- Is age twenty-one or older (no maximum age).
- Has a high school diploma or equivalent.
- Has the experience to fulfill the job assignment. The Director of Research may move into this full role over time after being trained by more experienced Global Gates personnel.
- Is legally able to work in the USA or country of operation.
- Models healthy family relationships (click here to view our family standards).
- Shows evidence of good emotional, physical, financial and mental health.
- Demonstrates a healthy relationship with a local evangelical church.
- Agrees with the Lausanne Covenant and Global Gates’ Core Values.
- Demonstrates relational skills to network with partners for raising salary and ministry support.
- Provide 5 names and their contact information for references.
Why is a Director of Research Needed?
Global Gates is playing a key role in identifying the most significant unreached people groups located in North America. As we continue to expand our presence around the world, we will need to increasingly collaborate with other researchers and maintain the various databases and mobilization tools we manage. Global Gates is strategically positioned to influence the Body of Christ in responding to priority needs among North American unreached people group communities and, increasingly, in global gateway cities worldwide.
Are you convinced that God hears our prayer; particularly with regard to people coming to saving faith in Christ? Do you have a heart to see people from countries with little gospel witness come to Christ? Are you already interceding on behalf of the lost?