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The Curse Story

Below is an outline of “The Curse Story.” This is a draft of a presentation of the gospel using a theme from the Bible that resonates with many people around the world that live in fear of curses and seek peace in their lives. If you seek to use or adapt this presentation, please give us feedback (on the blog or by writing info@globalgates.info) on what adjustments you have made and what responses you have received from people. Click here for an example audio of this presentation for a Muslim listener using the outline below.

The Curse Story

  1. “I am learning about the significance of blessings and curses. What types of curses exist among your people?”
  1. “There is a big curse that I know about that has come over all people.”
    1. An African proverb says, “Not everyone will be rich, but one thing everyone shares is death.”
    2. “There is a curse of death over all people.”
  1. “To know how to overcome a curse, you often need to know the cause of the curse—how it came into being.” Tell Adam and Eve story. Make sure to tell about God saying if they ate of the fruit they would die.
    1. We read in the story that Adam and Eve ate of the fruit that God forbade them to eat.
    2. As a result, humanity brought a curse upon itself due to their disobedience.
    3. The curse is not just because of Adam. We all sin. Therefore, the curse of death remains.
      1. Rom 5:12 – “Sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.”
  1. God does not want people to stay under the curse. He has provided a way to reverse the curse.
    1. Adam came into the world without a human father and lived a perfect life until he chose to disobey. Through his sin, death entered the world. God’s way of reversing this is sending Jesus, who also did not have a human father and lived a perfect life. However, He was different than Adam because Jesus always obeyed.
    2. 1 Cor 15:21-22 – “as by man came death, through man comes resurrection. As in Adam all die, in Christ shall all be made alive.” (Also, Rom 5:18-19 – “through one man’s obedience, life comes to all who believe”).
    3. Gal 3:10,13 – “Everyone is cursed that does not obey all of the Word of God…Christ reverses the curse by becoming a curse for us.” (Also, Isaiah 53:5-6 – “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed”).
    4. Adam brings in curse of death through sin. Christ is the only one with no sin and gives Himself to the curse of sin (death) in order to give life.
  1. Choosing to have the curse reversed
    1. Sometimes what is done in the physical world can affect the spiritual world. What Christ did physically affects our own spiritual state and destiny. Those who believe in Him and follow Him are released from the curse and promised Paradise.
    2. Eph 2:8-9 – “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—-not by works, so that no one can boast.”
    3. “Do you want to be free from the curse of death on your life?”