Making the Most of Christmas Time

It’s Christmas! It was just Thanksgiving, but here we are already facing days off school, days off work, and the endless crowds of the year’s biggest holiday. Celebrating Christmas, whether or not you believe in Jesus, is a part of living in the U.S. Whole radio stations, after all, commit to Christmas music for the full month of December. 

In San Francisco, for example, a large tree lighting and holiday celebration takes place at City Hall. Families from the rough surrounding neighborhood line up for gifts donated by the police department. In that line waiting for Christmas presents are hundreds of Arab Muslims, mostly from Yemen, Egypt, and Morocco. The parents are just excited about the free presents while the kids are thrilled about the presents, free games, and SNOW brought in for the event. It’s a festive, though not religious time. There are old women dressed as dancing Christmas trees, performances from the closest elementary school, an appearance from the mayor.

Make the Most of Opportunities to Interact with UPG’s

I share this with you because your community probably has a similar holiday event. They may not preach Jesus there. The event may not be remotely related to the true meaning of Christmas. But the point is that the Muslims show up along with people from all kinds of unreached people groups. They come with their kids, which means it’s really easy to make a new friend. 

On the Global Gates website, we’ve provided breakdowns of the UPG’s of several cities. Maybe consider looking up holiday community events in one of those listed neighborhoods where a UPG is concentrated. If your city doesn’t have a graphic for it yet, you can still find the information on the UPG Priority Matrix. 

We’ve shared a lot with you about UPG’s in North America over the past few weeks. The holidays are one of the best times to personally connect with individuals from those groups. They might not come to your church event, but they will go to almost anything else. The first step to being someone’s first Christian friend is showing up at those events.

Let’s Imitate Christ this Christmas

Nothing could feel more appropriate this time of year–going to a community event so that you can broaden your horizons and meet people who need Jesus. Isn’t that exactly what Jesus did? He left His place of holiness to come to a very unholy place. He spent time with the most sinful. Jesus offered His presence to lost people, to people outside of His Jewish culture. As we follow Him this Christmas season, let’s try to do the same. 

An Extra Side Note

Non-Christians, including people from Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh backgrounds have been known to wander into churches during Christmas time to enjoy the festivities. If this happens, make sure not to stare. Welcome them instead! For some, it may be their first interactions with a church (and Christians!) in North America.