Give to the Global Gates Missionary Training Fund

Our training priorities fall into two categories – equipping our Gateway Hub Leaders (supervisors) and Strategy Coordinator training that follows completion of our first-year Pathways mentorship.

Gateway Hub Leader Training aims to increase supervisory skills such as the leading of missionaries, strategic planning for evangelism/disciple-making/church planting, development of teams, and other supporting activities. The equipping of Hub Leaders anticipates an effective local team that leads to engagement of least reached peoples, and culminates in disciple-making and church planting movements.

Strategy Coordinator Training assists second-year missionaries in developing a master plan for catalyzing a church planting movement among their assigned people group. It answers the question of “What is it going to take to bring about a movement of disciples making disciples among my people?” All missionary activity and goal-setting is then based on this master plan.

Prayerfully consider giving to the Global Gates Missionary Training Fund, so we can increase our effectiveness among our missionary teams.

Fundraising Goal: $20,000

Click here to give. Select “Training/11200” from the dropdown menu.