Hispanic Christians Strategic for Reaching Muslims
Hispanic Christians Strategic for Reaching Muslims
Chris Clayman: “So I’m a church planting catalyst for the North American Mission Board and I also lead a ministry called Global Gates, which seeks to have a global impact through urban gateways and we are focused on reaching unreached peoples in cities.”
(“Soy un plantador catalitico de Iglesias para la Junta de Misiones Norteamericanas y Tambien dirijo un ministerio llamado Puertas globales, que busca tener un impacto global a traves de puertas urbanas y Tambien nos enfocamos en alcanzar a grupos y ciudades no alcanzados.”)
“I’m a reluctant North American missionary. I was medevacked out of Africa twice, and that what God used (for) me to stay in New York and stay in America. And after being there a while it was very strategic for reaching Africa and the rest of the world.”
(“Soy un misionero estadounidense renuente. Dos veces debi dejar Africa por problemas medicos y asi fue como Dios me uso para quesdarme en Nueva York y en Estados Unidos. Despues de haber estado alli por un tiempo comprendi que eso era muy estrategico para alcanzar a Africa y al resto del mundo.”)
“So, you have all of these Muslims in New York, over 800,000 Muslims in Metro New York and there are several million Hispanics and almost all of these Muslims are working 70, 80 hours a week, 60 hours a week and the most exposure they have to Christians, maybe for the first time in their lives are happening in their workplace where they’re alongside Hispanic Christians.”
(“De modo que uno tiene a todos estos musulmanes en Nueva York; mas de 800 mil musulmanes en la metropolis de Nueva York y hay varios millones de hispanos. Casi todos estos musulmanes trabajan entre 60 y 80 horas por semana; el mayor contacto que tienen con los cristianos, quizas por primera vez en su vida, ocurre en sue lugar de trabajo al estar junto a creyentest hispanos.”)
“And without all the political baggage and the culture being so similar between Hispanic groups and Muslims I believe a lot of the barriers are removed.”
(“Sin todos prejuicios, y con una cultura parecida entre los grupos hispano y los musulmanes, creo que estan desapareciendo muchas de las barreras.”)
“Every year we have a terrorist scare in New York City, and so, it’s usually someone from Afghanistan or Pakistan or place stanish.”
(“Cada ano temenos una amenaza terrorista en la ciudad de Nueva York. Generalmente es alguien de Afghanistan o Pakistan u otro lugar “stan.”)
“Last year the big terrorist scare didn’t happen from someone from one of those countries. It was a similar thing where someone wanted to blow up the New York City subways. What was unique about it was the guy’s name was the guy’s name was Jose. He was from the Dominican Republic. He became a Muslim right there in New York City. He lived in Washington Heights, and there is a Hispanic Mosque in Harlem.”
“There’s a place in Union City, New Jersey, a place that claims to have 500 Hispanics in attendance. I have a lot of Hispanics that will see my beard and say, “’As-salamu alaykum,’” and they’re studying the Quran and they learning about it. You go to Pakistani mosques and they have Spanish Islamic literature in the windowsill. They’re really seeing that many Hispanics are interested in Islam and many are.”
(“El ano pasado la gran amenaza terrorista no vino de uno de esos paises. Fue algo similar donde alguien quiso bombardear los subterraneos de la ciudad de Nueva York. Lo diferente de esto fue que el nombre del tipo era Jose, era de la Republica Dominicana, se habia hecho musulman aqui en Nueva York, y vivia en Washington Heights. Hay una mezquita hispana en Harlem.”
“Hay un lugar en Union City, Nueva Jersey, con una mezquita que afirma tener una asistaencia de 500 hispanos. Tengo a muchos hispanos que ven mi barba y dicen: “As’salamu Alaykuum” y estan estudiando y aprendiendo el Coran. Uno va a las mezquitas pakistanies y encuentra literature Islamica en espanol en los estantes. Realmente estan viendo que muchos hispanos estan interesados en el islam, y es asi.”)
“At the same time you’re also seeing Hispanics go, “’Wait a minute