Global Gates offers customized training for our missionaries called Pathways to Success. Depending on the missionary’s prior experience, Pathways could involve building skills in language learning, ethnographic research, mobilizing and training partners, spiritual formation, evangelism and discipleship, church planting methodology, and leadership. To become an effective Missions Catalyst, the missionary candidate may need to develop particular skills first. Global Gates offers a one-week Strategy Coordinator training and ongoing coaching to assist missionaries in their task.

Job Description Summary

A Global Gates Missions Catalyst’s primary task is to develop and implement an aggressive strategy to reach a particular unreached people group, or affinity of unreached people groups, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Missions Catalyst builds an ecosystem of prayer, ministry, evangelism, discipleship, church multiplication, and leadership development that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, births a multiplication of disciples and churches throughout the prioritized people group and beyond.
Major Responsibilities and Functions
● Become an expert on the assigned people group’s worldview.
● Develop and/or obtain gospel resources (Bibles, audio Scripture, chronological Bible
stories, testimonies, videos, etc.) in the people group’s language(s).
● Raise up laborers within the people group, and recruit laborers from outside of the
people group, to saturate the people group with the gospel.
● Nurture a vision for the spread of the gospel, multiplication of disciples, and
planting of churches among the unreached people group in a gateway city and
through them to other communities of that people group around the world.
● Create and implement a comprehensive prayer, ministry, evangelism, discipleship,
church planting, and leadership development strategy to stimulate church
multiplication movements among the people group.
● Continually learn and implement best practices in church multiplication.
● Collaborate with other evangelicals to model and train in evangelism, disciple
making, church planting, and leadership development.
● As new believers emerge, give primary attention to them to nurture their role in
leading multiplying movements of disciples and churches.
● Evaluate and adapt methods based on what God has done and is doing.
● Start multiple streams of disciple making and church planting to reach all
population segments and networks of the people group within the gateway city and
their communities worldwide.


● Submit short monthly reports to a coach or supervisor.
● Submit an annual report to Global Gates leadership.
● Meet or video conference with the assigned Global Gates coach once a month to
evaluate and strengthen the work.

Missions Catalyst Characteristics

● Missionary Qualifications – Must meet the general missionary qualifications
required for Global Gates missionaries.
● Visionary – The Missions Catalyst needs to envision what God desires for the people
group in a particular gateway city and through the people group’s communities
around the world.
● Spiritually Mature – The Missions Catalyst needs to be spiritually mature and
committed to sound evangelical beliefs and practices. He or she must know and
obey God’s Word and point others to the authority of God’s Word.
● Missions Catalyst must be a person of integrity. He or she is a person of prayer who
expects God to demonstrate power in bringing the prioritized people group to Christ.
● Strategic – The Missions Catalyst needs to align tools, time, relationships and
resources, to accomplish God’s vision for the people group. He or she is strategic in
partnering with the larger Body of Christ to accomplish more than one can do alone
or on a small team.

● Intentional, focused, and disciplined – The Missions Catalyst needs to be a
self-starter who is able to avoid distractions to maximize evangelism, discipleship
and church multiplication among the prioritized people group. The Missions Catalyst
must discern what is most fruitful to do with his or her time, and with whom that
time should be spent.
● A Learner – The Missions Catalyst must be a lifelong learner committed to learning
and sharing best practices for Kingdom advance among his or her people group.
● Passionate – The Missions Catalyst must have a sense of urgency. Members of the
unreached people group are lost and dying every day without Jesus Christ.
● Faith-Filled Perseverance – The Missions Catalyst has faith that God will reach the
prioritized people group. When obstacles arise, the Missions Catalyst tenaciously
perseveres, clinging to the vision of the Lord birthing a church planting movement
among the people group.


Are you convinced that God hears our prayer; particularly with regard to people coming to saving faith in Christ? Do you have a heart to see people from countries with little gospel witness come to Christ? Are you already interceding on behalf of the lost?