Muslim Movements to Christ
You’d never know it from cable news networks, but we are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history. I don’t make this claim lightly. With a PhD from the University of Chicago in church history, I’m well aware that audacious claims like this are ripe for dismissal.
So when I began a three-year, 250,000-mile odyssey through the Muslim world visiting Muslim movements to Christ, I was concerned that what I was finding might raise more questions than it answered. This journey led me to collect more than a thousand interviews from Muslim-background believers who were parts of movements, each movement with at least a thousand baptized believers. The core question I asked them was, “What did God use to bring you to faith in Jesus Christ? Tell me your story.”
My church history background prompted me to search further, to discover when and where such movements had ever occurred in the 14-century history of Muslim-Christian interaction. What I discovered left me staggered, humbled, amazed.
Looking across 14 centuries, the truth was unavoidable. The 21st century, our century, has seen the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history. Despite the tragic news pouring out of the Muslim world today, God is at work. Indeed, “where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more” (Romans 5:20).
Global Gates missionaries are seeking to bring this harvest of born-again, baptized Muslims to our global gateway cities. God is at work, and we are seeking to join him in this unprecedented movement of Muslims to Christ.
To learn more, see my book A Wind in the House of Islam. To join in these movements, partner with Global Gates to bring these movements to a Muslim community near you!
Dr. David Garrison
Director, Global Gates