Arab Muslims of Los Angeles

Quick Info
Concentrated Area(s):
Orange County, Anaheim
- Arab Muslims
Why are Workers Needed?
Anaheim has one of the largest concentrations of Arab Muslims in the United States. There are only a handful of Arab Christians from a Muslim background in Anaheim, and there are no Muslim-background Christian churches. There only a few people focused on reaching the Arab Muslim community in Greater Los Angeles.
Anaheim has one of the largest concentrations of Arab Muslims in the United States. There are only a handful of Arab Christians from a Muslim background in Anaheim, and there are no Muslim-background Christian churches. There only a few people focused on reaching the Arab Muslim community in Greater Los Angeles.
Prayers for Arab Muslims of Los Angeles
Lord, raise up laborers to share the gospel with Arab Muslims and disciple those who come to faith in Christ.
Lord, raise up more local churches to pray, to put aside their fears and prejudices toward Muslims, and to discover how you are working in the lives of many Arab Muslims.
May You, Lord, guide the local churches to love their neighbors and to minister to them in culturally appropriate ways while seeking out the needs of the Arab Muslim community.
Lord, lead other Arab Christians to pray for, and minister among, the Arab Muslim community.