Prayer, Prayer, Prayer!

In Global Gates prayer is the foundation of all we do, the air we breathe, and the environment in which movements arise. We pray for our family, our people group, our ministry, our partners, and well, everything! Prayer also connects us to and through the global body of Christ to the abundant resources God has entrusted to his people.

Here are two great resources you don’t want to miss.

1)  Global Prayer Digest

The Global Prayer Digest ( is produced monthly by Frontier Global Gates Prayer Prayer Prayer April 1Ventures (formerly the U.S. Center for World Missions) in Pasadena, California. Eight months ago, GPD’s editor, Keith Carey, contacted Global Gates with the idea of dedicating the month of May 2017 to feature UPGs in global gateway cities.

Over the past several months, Barbara Curnutt, GG’s Prayer Coordinator, has worked with our missionaries to create prayer profiles for the Digest. The May 2017 edition of Global Prayer Digest is now available. Keith has informed me that he has printed an extra 1,000 copies of the Digest. This would make a great resource to share with your ministry partners. You can contact GPD via their website to place orders.

In addition to their online subscribers, and 2,200 English-language magazine recipients, the Digest has a distribution of 10,000 in Spanish, 20,000 in Korean; and 50,000 in Chinese. Don’t miss this valuable resource!

2)  30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

The 30 Days Prayer Guide ( has galvanized the Christian world in concerts of prayers for Muslims ever since its inception 24 years ago. Today the 30 Days booklet is circulated in more than 40 languages around the world.

Global Gates Prayer Prayer Prayer April 2This powerful resource is one of the key contributors to the unprecedented Muslim movements to Christ that we are seeing around the world today. Every year for the past 24 years, a growing number of Christians around the world have joined their ministry partners to pray for Muslims during the Islamic month of Ramadan (this year, May 27-June 5, 2017), when Muslims are seeking a message from God. This year, in addition to online subscribers, more than 100,000 North Americans and hundreds of thousands of additional prayer warriors around the world will participate in this global prayer movement.

You and your church partners can join in this global prayer movement for Muslims. Check out the

Global Gates Dr. David Garrison is Global Gates New Executive Director
Dr. David Garrison
Director, Global Gates