
Pray for Persian Muslims

Ramadan is the time when Muslims, even fairly nominal ones, try to get things right. Thus, it can be the month when Islam becomes meaningful for a nominal Muslim. Large numbers of young Muslims have even “left the mosque” in search for a deeper spirituality. Among these are often Iranian Muslims–frustrated by the Islamic revolution of their country. Sometimes those events have had the opposite effect–pushing people to even more devout practice of Islam. Let’s pray for Persian Muslims today. 

You’ve maybe read news reports about Iran having the fastest growing church in the world. This growth may not necessarily be reflected among Persians in North America, though. And that growing church could certainly use our prayer as well! 

Pray for Change This Month

Persians represent the second largest population of unreached peoples on our UPG Priority Matrix. Even with significant church growth in Iran, there are still hundreds of thousands who have yet to hear the gospel in North America. Many of those individuals are struggling with their faith in this Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Do they try to get back on track or do they look for something that’s ultimately more fulfilling?  Join us to pray for Persian Muslims–asking that they would seek and find the true source of hope.

Additional Ways to Pray for Persian Muslims

Pray for communities of Persian Muslims in Los Angeles–the largest population of Iranians outside of Iran. Pray for the pockets of Christians to continue to see growth from their Muslim brothers and sisters.

Pray for new Persian Christians (from Muslim backgrounds) to become powerful representations of the gospel among Muslims from other people groups. 

Pray for unity among the Persian churches. Ask God that a distaste for Islam would not stop them from reaching out to Persian Muslims to share the love of Jesus with them.