
The Nations Are Coming to Us!

Boto Joseph: “When you look at this neighborhood it’s made up of people from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet, and sometimes you can quickly forget that we’re still in a free country.”

Tiffany Ling: “I actually realized during a chapel service that when Jesus said, “You will be my witnesses Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth,” that the ends of the earth were already were in my Jerusalem already.”

Lisha Joseph: “Many people groups that don’t have an opportunity to hear the gospel back home are coming right to our doorsteps.”

Global Gates missionary: “And now they live in our neighborhoods, so we can easily have gospel-centered conversations and relationships with them here.”

Brian Stephens: “There’s over 80,000 people living in New York City that were born in West Africa, and these people are often influential people from their families and they have such great networks that if we can reach them, they can reach their families.”

Chris Clayman: “We had a lady that just came to faith in Christ from a very unreached people group in West Africa. Several months later she goes back to her home country. She talks about how she leads her sisters to Christ.”

Russell: “Even I have personally experienced death threats in Bangladesh. But here we have this free expression of faith and we can freely practice.”

Global Gates missionary: “Here, especially me as a woman, I have many more freedoms to be able to go out and engage these immigrant populations with the gospel, whereas in many countries in the Middle East Bibles aren’t allowed, to convert to Christianity is punishable by death or imprisonment.”

Brandon: “You don’t have to worry about deportation. You don’t have to worry about renewing a visa.”

Dr. David Garrison: “For centuries immigrants have come to this country and with their immigration has come the fear factor of people not wanting to change what’s comfortable to them. At the same time, we can see this differently.”
“We can see that as the Bible says, “From one man He made all the nations that they should inhabit the whole earth and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out and find Him …” – Acts 17:26-27 NIV
“Could it be that God brought them here for a purpose?”

Tiffany Ling: “Are all these people here for a reason? Did God intend for these people to come out of closed countries to places where there are Christians to share with them?”

Brad Wall: “There’s hundreds of thousands of Syrians that really were far from the gospel. They had no touch of the gospel and now in Europe and now in cities in North America God is putting Syrian Muslims in direct contact with Christians.”

Chris Clayman: “I feel like much more of a pioneer doing this sort of work in New York City compared to when I was the only missionary living among a previously unengaged, unreached people group in Africa.”

Brad Wall: “I can’t imagine this is happenstance, but God is working for his mission to be accomplished, and many ways he’s doing that today is through transmigration.”

Boto Joseph: “Our laser-focused mission is on engaging and reaching those unreached people groups right here in our metro cities.”
For more information about Global Gates, visit globalgates.info.