
Sifting Weeks

(v.) to go through very carefully to find what is useful or valuable.
Brandon: “Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told.”
“God is bringing the nations to us. People all across the globe are now calling U.S. cities their home.”
“Our cities give unprecedented opportunities to share the love of Jesus. We want to invite you to join Global Gates on a Sifting Week. You will be trained how to approach people from other cultures, hear their stories, share your story, and then share God’s story of love for them.”
“Each morning we will meet for worship, training, and encouragement, then in the afternoons and evenings your team will go out and sift for people who are hungry to know more about Jesus.”
“Sifting Weeks are very strategic to us, reaching Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Sikhs and Buddhists with the gospel of Christ. While it may take a small local team years to find people of peace. When we increase our harvesters during Sifting Weeks we have hundreds more out looking for these people whom the Lord has especially prepared to hear the Word, receive it, and share it with others.”
“Come be stretched and put yourself in a position to be used greatly by God.”
Global Gates, global impact through urban gateways.