Global Gates Worker Serving in the COVID-19 Crisis: “God Has a Purpose”

Global Gates Worker Serving in the COVID-19 Crisis: “God Has a Purpose”

Jesus is alive, and he is our only hope. That’s what Russell, a missionary with Global Gates, wants people to know during this coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). He shares that simple but profound message of grace and truth with the people he is reaching with the love of Christ. Sadly, he must do it via telephone,…

Access the full “Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West” series

Access the full “Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West” series

Global Gates interviewed missionary Nik Ripken, who is the author of “The Insanity of God.” The contents from the interview were crafted into a multi-part series of articles titled “Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West.” We believe this series is a helpful resource that God can use to equip the American church in…

Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West: “Rooting Muslim Background Believing Families in Christ” (Part Six of Six)

Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West: “Rooting Muslim Background Believing Families in Christ” (Part Six of Six)

In communist China the government is the primary persecutor of Christians. In Islam, however, the family members of Muslim background believers are the chief persecutors. Author and missionary Nik Ripken said unless we reach the entire family for Jesus, then there is not much hope for a single believer to thrive in that context. “If…

Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West: “Helping Muslim Background Believers Flourish” (Part Five of Six)

Nik Ripken, Muslim Background Believers, and the West: “Helping Muslim Background Believers Flourish” (Part Five of Six)

It is important to follow a proven model for discipleship and multiplication. This is true for work with Muslim background believers and ministry in the heart of Islam. Western Christian workers in the Muslim world must learn the language and culture of their focused people group. Author and missionary Nik Ripken said persecution caused by…

Unreached Peoples of Houston

Unreached Peoples of Houston

What do you think of when you think of Texas? Guns? Weird Austin? Border disputes? Chris Clayman? You’re likely not thinking of huge populations of Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists–members of unreached people groups. Yet Houston is home to ten different significantly unreached people groups. Maybe your calling to missions is to Texas? Who are the…