Be a Real Missionary in North America

There’s a missionary with Global Gates currently trying to move overseas, and when people at her church found out about this, they were so excited that they would finally know a real missionary. She’s been a full-time missionary with Global Gates for several years now. 

Where Does the Real Mission Work Happen?

That’s often the perception–that real mission work happens overseas. But real mission work is happening in North America. There are churches being formed among people who are almost completely unreached. There are even believers from UPG’s in North America influencing their country of origin with the gospel because of God’s work here. Even more than that, there is incredible potential for more! So today we’re covering the practical and spiritual reasons to see North America as a strategic mission field

Global Gates The Most Unreached People Groups in North America
Why do UPG’s in North America matter? What countries are they from? What religions are they? All of these questions and more can be answered here.

For Practical Reasons

Being a missionary in North America means not having to deal with complications of visas or security. Religious liberty

allows us to evangelize freely. Missionaries in North America don’t even have to deal with jet lag. But more than practical helps for the individual missionary, doing missions in North America means millions of potential missionaries. If we empower people to reach out to unreached people groups living near them in a volunteer capacity (or not!), we could see our evangelism efforts increase exponentially.

While missionaries and missions organizations often struggle to have enough money to function, many churches in North America have ample resources. Allocating some of those resources to ministry among UPG’s here could literally change the world. Churches could adopt a UPG that lives in the same city as them! A small group could work together to learn a language of a UPG and provide hospitality to members of that group while talking about Jesus. There are endless possibilities!

The Spiritual Reasons

Jesus told us to preach the gospel in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Pretty simple instructions for every Christian. Now God has brought the people from the ends of the earth to our doorsteps in North America. This enables every Christian to be a part of the Great Commission, even if they fear flying or don’t want to quit their jobs. Sometimes people from the ends of the earth end up getting treated like Samaritans–unwelcome people in our land with different beliefs and worldviews. Yet, we have a biblical mandate to welcome them with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Even beyond that, there’s an incredible opportunity for North American Christians to get tastes of the future Kingdom of God. Our churches will grow with believers from every tribe and tongue, people, and nation. We can see what worshipping together as one body feels like. It’s an incredible gift God is offering to us if we’ll only look up and see that the fields are white for harvest! 

Are you ready to be a real missionary in North America?

Full-time? Part-time? Five hours a week? Five hours a month? Pray about how you are called to engage the least reached within reach.