Taking a Next Step

You’ve been soaking in all this information about unreached people groups (UPG’s) in North America. So now what? How will you respond to the fact that there are likely people in need of cross-cultural evangelism in your city? Or what if you don’t live in one of the cities on our list? Then how can you be a part of the work?

Let us be the first to tell you that THE OPTIONS ARE ENDLESS.

A great place to start is by contacting Global Gates. Email. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Whatever floats your boat. If you have an interest in a specific ethnic group or religious group, we’d love to give you resources.

Connect with Missionaries:

We can connect you with missionaries who can give you stories and information on those people so that you can know how to pray for them. You might even be able to join that missionary to do some evangelism among a UPG! Given that these people groups are all around the country, there’s a good chance a fruitful mission trip is within driving distance of you.

Global Gates already has opportunities like this with Sifting Weeks. These are weeks when you and maybe even your family, friends, coworkers, whoever, can come and work among UPG’s. These are especially popular in NYC–and we already discussed a couple weeks ago what a huge opportunity cross-cultural ministry is in NYC. You should also check out our opportunities in Houston, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington D.C.

Pray and Get Informed

For a low commitment, you can head on over to our prayer profiles of some of the least reached people groups in North America. You can print them, download them, make them your phone background. Use them to pray for people who need the supernatural to bring them to Jesus.

Another place you can explore is peoplegroups.info or Joshua Project. Both of these websites can tell you about UPG’s here and around the world.

If you’re looking for more information on different UPG’s (before you commit to one), head over to PrayerCast and watch their videos on different groups. 

Explore Ways to Connect

If you’re excited about reaching out to Muslims (the most significant religious group on our list), check out this weekly newsletter that gives practical tips for loving Muslims the way Jesus loves them. Already connect with Muslims in your area? There might be others who love on Muslims in their free time and want to join you for prayer and fellowship! Send us an email if that’s you! 

Reader, the ball is in your court. Global Gates wants to help you connect with UPG’s and so do thousands of other missionaries. Are you ready to take that step?