Unreached People Groups – Yemeni (Video)

Unreached People Groups – Yemeni (Video)

Jeri: “Hello, I’m Jeri, and this is Craig, and today we’re going to be praying for the people of Yemen. There’s approximately 20,000 Yemeni people living in the Metro New York City. The largest concentration of Arab Muslims is in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where many of them live. Otherwise, they’re all over New York City.”“They…

Thanksgiving- When Newcomers Were Welcomed

Thanksgiving- When Newcomers Were Welcomed

Over 400 years ago, a small group of Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Arriving far north of their destination and too late in the year, their colony struggled to survive the harsh New England winter. The following year, the local Native American tribe, led by people like Squanto, helped teach the Pilgrims how to survive…

David Garrison at Jesus to the Nations Conference

David Garrison at Jesus to the Nations Conference

Last month Global Gates Executive Director David Garrison delivered a plenary address at the Jesus to the Nations Conference (J2N) held in Halifax, Nova Scotia each year. This year David presented via video from his home, due to the travel restrictions and stay-at-home orders caused by COVID-19. Garrison, who has over 35 years of experience with movements…

Hispanic Christians Strategic for Reaching Muslims

Hispanic Christians Strategic for Reaching Muslims

Hispanic Christians Strategic for Reaching Muslims CHRIS CLAYMAN NEW YORK. Chris Clayman: “So I’m a church planting catalyst for the North American Mission Board and I also lead a ministry called Global Gates, which seeks to have a global impact through urban gateways and we are focused on reaching unreached peoples in cities.” (“Soy un…