New York City


The 2019 Global Cities Index ranked New York City as the world’s #1 global city. With 21st century technology and perhaps the most diverse immigrant population in the world, Metro New York provides the ultimate gateway to the ends of the earth. If the more than four million individuals from unreached people groups in Metro New York were counted as their own city, it would be the second largest city in the U.S., larger than Los Angeles. According to our Global Gates Unreached People Group Matrix, one-third of the top 100 unreached people group communities in North America most in need of missionaries are in Metro New York.

Priority Missionary Needs

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Explore opportunities to partner with Global Gates Long Term, Short Term, or through Internships. All our mission opportunities require workers to raise prayer and financial support. Global Gates focuses ministry in, and through, people group communities prioritized in our North America UPG Matrix.


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