Unreached People Groups – Lubavitch Jews (Video)
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Unreached People Groups – Lubavitch Jews (Video)

Prayer for unreached people groups of metro NYC.The Lubavitch. Jeri: “Hi, I’m Jeri, and this is Craig, my husband, and today, we’re going to be focusing on the Lubavitch Jews right here in New York City, and Craig’s going to be starting off by sharing a few facts about them.” Craig: “Well, there’s about 20,000…

What If?

What If?

““What if we could go into all the world without ever leaving the U.S.?”“What if we saw people moving to our country as a missional opportunity?”“What if we reached the nations through our cities?“What if God is sending millions of unreached peoples to North America for more than a better life?”“What if I didn’t come…

Unreached People Groups – Bobov Jews (Video)
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Unreached People Groups – Bobov Jews (Video)

The Bobov Craig: “Hi, today, we’re going to be speaking about the Bobov Jewish people here in New York City. They’re located in Borough Park between 49th Street and 13th and 15th Avenues primarily. They came to New York in the late 1940s after being reduced to about 300 people after the Holocaust.”“Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam…

An Open Door

An Open Door

“See, I have set before you an open door that no one can shut.” – Revelation 3:8 David Garrison: “The world’s people are on the move. God is bringing the nations, the very ends of the earth to our shores, to our cities, to our neighborhoods.” “Nearly a quarter billion people in the world today…

Unreached People Groups – Gorsky + Other Hasidic (Video)

Unreached People Groups – Gorsky + Other Hasidic (Video)

Jeri: “Hi, today, we’re going to be speaking about several Jewish people groups here in New York City and I’ll be sharing on the Gorsky Kavkazi Jews, who are known for their light-heartedness and their sense of humor and they joke about having 30 cousins and that their parents drink six cups of tea a…

The Nations Are Coming to Us!

The Nations Are Coming to Us!

Boto Joseph: “When you look at this neighborhood it’s made up of people from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet, and sometimes you can quickly forget that we’re still in a free country.” Tiffany Ling: “I actually realized during a chapel service that when Jesus said, “You will be my witnesses Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and…

Sifting Weeks

Sifting Weeks

(v.) to go through very carefully to find what is useful or valuable.Brandon: “Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told.”“God is bringing the nations to us. People all across the globe are…